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Why We Innovate

How can we embrace change and create better value for our patients?

For 140 years, the Sisters of OSF have been serving their communities with compassion and humility. The Sisters have never been afraid of taking on the hardest challenges and providing care to all those who needed it. It’s no surprise, then, that when the pace of change in health care is faster than ever, when technological and scientific innovation are enabling so much, that we would take a step back to examine how we can leverage these advances for the benefit of our patients.

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What We Are Exploring

Clear focus and direction are essential for successful innovation. We have four focus areas of innovation for our Mission Partners, external partners, and innovators. These areas guide our investments and activities in innovation, ensuring they serve the most important needs of our community.These four areas demand innovation; we will not advance our Mission here without it.

We are focusing on four innovation priority areas.


More for Those
With Less

Aging in Place

Radical Access
to Care

How We Innovate

Whether possibilities are generated by an OSF team, a new startup, or a combination, we provide a work environment that is healthy, flexible, high performing and highly collaborative. Whether in ourWORKplace, a balanced approach for creating effective work environments for our office-based Mission Partners or one of our simulation environments for clinical exploration and learning, we have made intentional environments for innovation and learning. We are innovators for life.

We do this by focusing on a culture for innovation and learning.

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Our Innovation Partners

Ut quis gravida erat, at fringilla urna. Aliquam placerat nisi velit, id lobortis nibh bibendum eget.

Nam vel neque id sem fermentum blandit a vitae risus. Quisque maximus ullamcorper nulla, lobortis viverra urna consequat sit amet. Morbi elementum diam et elit luctus semper eu nec lorem. Curabitur nec dui urna. Aenean cursus pharetra ante id volutpat. Nam pharetra ac justo at sodales. Aenean dapibus convallis faucibus. Nam pretium, mi sed accumsan facilisis, nulla metus congue risus, sed tincidunt leo neque in mi.